
In the first few weeks of Media Studies, we were looking into representations in the media. This was between men and women whereby they are represented in different ways. For example, women are often presented as the weaker of the two and generally need a man by her side 24/7. The male, however, is usually portrayed as the strong saviour who has a woman for show or as a trophy. 

After this, we then studied semiotic analysis'. To do this, we looked at the different ways to analyse adverts. For example the fonts, images, colours etc. Then we looked at an advert of our choice to analyse. I chose an advert for SKYY vodka. The advert was very sexist and used female's bodies to attract buyers even though the women had nothing to do with the drink itself.

Then we went back to females and studied them in more depth. We looked at why women make an effort and dress up. Many would say it is to impress men, however, others would argue that it is for self-esteem levels. 
