Recent double-page spread/ EVOLUTION

Here is the progression I have made throughout designing my double-page spread. The top page is my new product and the bottom is my old page that I have developed. I have changed the model again and the image is better quality. I have broken some conventions whereby the image does not fill the whole right page. I have chosen to do this as the image is so striking that I feel it does not need to be very large but instead it fits nicely next to the text about herself. I have used a banner on the top right corner to indicate the exclusiveness of the information on the page and how it will not be heard by anyone else. This gives the reader a sense of being included in Demi's personal life. The image is no longer in black and white as it takes away from the photo and does not draw enough attention to it as nothing about it stands out. The coloured version tells you more about her personal identity. 

I have also added more text as often, a double-page spread includes many detailed information rather than small brief texts. The dress also adds to the glamour of the star and this is why I chose to change the dress code. The model in my previous version is wearing a casual top and this does not in any way portray the celebrity that I am writing about. Finally, I have changed the font to a more prestige looking typeface which is generally used in upmarket newspapers. 
