Recent Front cover/ EVOLUTION

This is my previous magazine cover and my latest version of the magazine cover. The top is my recent and updated version and the bottom is the old version which I am no longer using. As you can see, I have made many adjustments including the name, the model, and the overall house colours. I listened to my feedback and adjusted my work. Firstly, I feel as though the image used was not very professional and the clothes did not represent the genre in any way. The new model shows the trends of young people and could attract viewers with the same taste. The name is now 'Ultimate Sound' as the word 'Visionary' generally refers to things that are seen whereas the magazine is about things that are heard. I have now used a new puff in order to celebrate this edition and show the readers that they are sharing this celebratory moment of the 200th issue. The gold colour of it suggests a sense of premium and luxury therefore it could add value to the magazine. I also realised that there were too many colours in the first version and this caused it to seem almost childlike. With less colours being used, the magazine looks professional and mature. This is very important when considering my target audience as this is not anyone below the age of 16. 
