My rate card

I have used my research to create my own rate card. As my magazine is new into the market, it must not be priced too high as no one will buy it or want to advertise in it. Therefore I have reduced my prices by £60 from those of 'Songlines' magazine. This is so that I will gain a competitive edge in the market. I have included colour prices as well as mono, this is what I saw in my research and I believe the option is given as mono is cheaper to print. I will charge £69 per insertion per 1,000. This is because the insertions will be seen by many viewers but as it is still new I will keep prices low and eventually increase them.

I intend to have adverts that are mainly to do with feminine brands such as perfumes or clothing brands. This is because my imaginary entity is aimed at young ladies who enjoy fashion as well as music. Some of the brands I imagine to advertise for are Dior, Chanel, Topshop etc. These are popular and well known brands.
